As we age into our later years of life, it comes as no surprise that falling asleep and getting quality sleep becomes less easy than before. This issue proves to be a concern given how older adults need more rest to maintain a robust immune system and keep healthy. Read on to find out some tips and tricks older adults can adopt to improve their sleep quality.
Stick to a Sleeping Schedule
Routine is undoubtedly something that our bodies absolutely love. Try going to sleep and waking up at the same time, including weekends as well as vacations. Over time, your body will get used to the sleeping schedule you have set for yourself and keep you in sync with your body’s circadian clock, which is responsible for your sleep.
Apart from that, you may even want to develop a bedtime routine for yourself, a set of activities that you do before going to sleep. For example, this may include reading a certain number of pages in a book, listening to music, or showering before you sleep.
Eliminate Daytime Naps
If you are someone who naps often during the day, it is recommended to cut down the duration of your daytime naps or eliminate them completely. Too much sleep during the daytime can undoubtedly cause you problems sleeping during the night.
Preparation for Sleep
Preparation for sleep is one of the most important and effective ways to ensure you get an uninterrupted and good night’s sleep. For one, in the hours leading up to bedtime, it is recommended that you use low light settings that are dim and not overly bright. This significantly lowers the impact man-made lights such as LEDs and fluorescent lamps have on our circadian rhythms, allowing us to sleep better. Overexposure to LEDs and fluorescent lights has been known to delay the production of melatonin, which is the body’s natural sleep hormone. These also include the display lights on digital devices such as the television as well as your mobile devices. The usage of cell phones emits blue light, which also delays the production of melatonin.
If the environment you sleep in doesn’t allow you to do so, then you may want to consider relocating into assisted living communities, where residents get to live in extremely conducive conditions optimized for the health and wellbeing of older adults.
Cutting Down on Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine
Caffeine and nicotine are known to have significant effects on the body’s ability to stay awake and sleep. As such, if you find that you are someone who heavily relies on caffeine or nicotine, it might be a good time to start considering cutting down on them.
On the other hand, excess consumption of alcohol has been linked to both poor sleep quality as well as duration, so they should also be avoided if you want quality sleep.
As with almost every human ability, diet also plays a significant role in determining our sleep quality. Tips include consuming foods that are rich in magnesium as well as cutting down on sugar intake. Consuming food from a well-planned menu like Sensations ensures that everyone eats and sleeps well.